Content Guidelines
Wild Blue Gear's mission is to promote aviation. We want everyone who uses our products to take pride in them. As such we are very thoughtful of what products we offer, and what content is associated with Wild Blue.
For any custom products, Wild Blue requires all content provided by the customer (text or graphics) to adhere to these guidelines.
As a general rule, content should be inclusive, positive and fun.
Content which contains/is any of the following will not be approved:
- Discriminatory
- Age-inappropriate, including innuendo and/or coarse language
- Diminishing aviation, including competitors, airlines, aircraft, OEMs, regulatory agencies, or other members of the community
- Diminishing safety
Any content provided to Wild Blue Gear for custom products must be the property of the customer or they must be authorized to provide it. Any reference to specific people or organizations should be with approval of those individuals or organizations.
Wild Blue Gear can approve or refuse any content, at its sole discretion.
If content is judged to be violating content guidelines, either:
- Wild Blue may work with the customer to revise content to meet guidelines, with both Wild Blue and the customer mutually agreeing the revised content; or
- Wild Blue may decline the work and refund the order.
Content belonging to Wild Blue Gear, including its name, logos and all product designs, images and descriptions are property of Wild Blue Gear and may not be used for any purpose, unless explicitly agreed in advance by Wild Blue Gear.
These guidelines are subject to revision by Wild Blue Gear without notice.